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PTSA's Mission

To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

PTSA's Purpose

-To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship;
- To raise the standards of home life;
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth;
- To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth;
- To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

WHAT WE DID IN 2022-2023!

We're excited to announce our incoming  Annual Teachers Appreciation Multicultural Lunch and invite our supportive community to contribute to this special event! Please drop off your donations to the school’s  main office before 10 am on Friday, May 10th. Thank you for your support in making this occasion extra special! You can sign up to donate here 


Please contact if you have any questions.

Annual Teachers Appreciation Multicultural Lunch  - Friday, May 10th
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